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Saturday, February 8, 2014

#Excerpts: Writer Hagin King w/ Christian Science on "Lying, Cheating Husband"

   #Christian Science-Writer Hagin King Q & A on Husband's   
                              Slander in Hateful Divorce
                     Purchase all of Hagin King's titles on ebooks, paperback & coming soon, Audio! Shop      
                             Amazon.com; Barnes&Noble; ShopHaginKingtheWriter or ask your bookseller.

Q...You share much of your personal life with your readers.

A....Yes, it's my testimony and I want to be honest and open, sharing all aspects of my journey; all of my hurts and my happiness, especially in my poetry and much more in the near future as I venture back into TV production. Ironically, it's my passion for writing that causes the callus and hateful Envy and Resentment in my soon-to-be X husband, #Keith Stone, who consistently spews fictional accounts of why he's honestly divorcing me, although I've dedicated most of my books to him.

...So I'm hurting now, as Keith continues Lying, this time deceptively reporting a credit card stolen!

Q....You say he's a perpetual liar, already claiming that you misused a bank account; so why are you so surprised and hurt that he continues to be Dishonest?

A....Because these viscous lies about misuse of property can hurt my ability to earn a living after we're divorced.

Q.....These accusations are serious.

A....Yes, but anyone who really knows Keith, knows he's a continual liar, in fact, his propensity to exaggerate the truth was a running joke in our 23-year marriage. And he has a drug-addiction that I assure you, I do not share! But he admits to his constant deceitfulness and consistently promises to try to minimize his untruthfulness.

Q....So you've known all along he's prone to lying?

A...Yes, but these lies are even more hurtful than his dishonesty about his affairs that's so Stressful, it landed me in the hospital. Or his claims of seeking marriage counseling, although it was never an option because he's been trying to push me out of our home from the onset of this demise that began for me, several months ago.

...But he began attacking my character with fictional accounts much sooner, in a leveling attempt, where he demeans me, low-rating me to others in an attempt to elevate himself.   For example, when I met Keith I'd just relocated from California where I'd hosted my first Current Events TV Program, after earning my degree in Broadcast Journalism. And I'd been crowned in a California Pageant that year and garnered a new automobile. But Keith's contemptible assertion, according to him, I was homeless and destitute until HE raised my standard of living!

Q....If he's been consistently lying throughout your marriage, then he showed you "Who He Is" from the start?

A....Yes, well, I thought his fibbing was harmless and I'm not a perfect person. So instead of constantly calling him on his dishonesty, I'd just peer at him with a knowing stare. But never, ever did I imagine that Keith would be so filled with Envy and Resentment that he'd make such vicious, demeaning assertions, aimed to humiliate me; push me out of our home with as little Division of Property as possible and Divorce me to play house with a new, uh... "Lover."

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Doctors say Heart Ache Real for Writer Hagin King

              Writer Hagin King Hospitalized for Heartache

Purchase all of Writer Hagin King's 7 titles totaling 15 in alternate formats including: ebooks, audiobooks, CD, DVD, YouTube Web Series, Workbooks, PBS Television and Seminars On Sale Now: Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Alibris or Google Hagin King for other bookseller.

Palm Beach- Writer Hagin King's admitted into John F. Kennedy Hospital after the writer is 1st. diagnosed with a Dilated Aorta at her Primary, then rushed by ambulance to the Atlantis, Florida health center where she's administered Heart, Stress and Blood pressure medications to stabilize her dangerously high vitals caused by Stress, doctors say.

"Yes, I've been under tremendous marital Stress for months," Kings says, "My husband of 23 yrs. is having an affair and divorcing me...but I thought we were happily married," she mumbles, fidgeting with the intravenous tubes taped to her left hand. "For about a year, Keith... (oh you've met my husband, I've mentioned him for years on my blogs, he's featured in some of my book trailers and two of my novels are dedicated to him) well... he'd been treating me...well...like he didn't like me...like he despised me or resented me somehow...you can't be married to a person for over two decades and not be best friends & know when some things are off...well, I called him on his irritable, angry attitude on multiple occasions, I even asked him if he was having an affair, but...he remained closed to me emotionally, oh and uh...I also sensed a shift in Keith in bed...which had always been a good place for both of us, even after 23 yrs...

...Anyway, the crescendo occurred about six months ago. It was a sunny Sunday morning when we usually spend most of our quality time together. But instead of engaging with me, he was off in his man-cave(you've heard me mention his private suite equipped with double sinks, bathroom installed, mounted HD flat screen TV-which I purchased for his birthday, Jacuzzi tube and walk-in closet) So I called him on his Blatant Absence and he called me a... "B***H!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! he fumed! GET THE F**K OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!(The very same house he presented to me as a gift on Valentines Day!)

...I was so SHOCKED and suddenly AFRAID that I sprinted down three flights of stairs to my office, jumped in my 20 yr. old convertible BMW, and me and Buffy-the-Beamer were on our way!(In the two decades we've been married, Keith has never spoken to me that way or called me a name, at least not to my face, as I would never stay with someone who verbally or physical abused me!)After some lunch and some time to settle my nerves and do an internet search,  I landed at a North Palm Beach Marriot for what turned into a week-long stay(I've already written a blog about that hurtful day, go to: www.HaginKingsChic/bogger.com)...

... At the time, I thought we were just having the biggest fight of our marriage because in 23 years, I can count on two hands the number of serious fights we've had, as we haven't any children so we clung to each other. We were very compatible, inseparable, loving and happy for two decades, so when he yelled those awful insults, I thought he was just going through a phase. In my opinion, what holds a marriage together for decades, of course is love, respect, passion and...not sweating the small stuff... so I thought this manic episode would blow over...but little did I know, the STORM had only just begun because six months later my heartache would become...LITERAL."

"Ms. King's Dilated Aorta condition may be discovered in the course of testing for something else or perhaps as part of a routine physical but a dilated aorta is a serious condition that could result in death if left untreated," says Deborah Bailey, spokeswomen for the WomenHeart Support Community. "Sleep troubles and major life changes can also impact one's health, which was the case for the Author," Bailey says. The Aorta is the largest artery in a person's body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart. It's branches carry blood to all parts of the body, Bailey says. A dilated aorta is a disorder that causes the aorta to become enlarged or wider than normal. This is indicative of what's sometimes called an aortic aneurysm or a bulging of the aorta. Aortic Aneurysm is a general term for an enlargement(dilation) of the aorta to greater than 1.5 times its size, the spokeswomen explains.

I never imaged the sadness over my doomed marriage could land me here, in the hospital, my heart literally, physically broken...

...A number of test may be administered to the Writer, including an Aortography, reports Randy Brown, a cardiology administrator with Cedars-Sinai. "This technique enables one to see the outline of the aorta on X ray films and/or an Aortogram, which is an X ray of the aorta after injection of a radiopaque substance," he counsels.

"....Imagine someone in your family suddenly changing, exhibiting a hasty shift in behavior from what you had come to love and expect of them, King continues, pressing her open palms against her aching chest, as if clutching a row of exquisite pearls. A great example might be if your A-student, clean-cut kid suddenly altered their appearance in a negative way; started hanging out with a bad, drug/ and or gang infested crowd and no matter how you try to reach them emotionally, your child's altered behavior ultimately changes their life course...

...So is the unexpected, dumbfounded behavior of my husband, Keith. Because after the blowup, he called to say he wasn't sorry for his outburst!   Further, there was no interest in marriage counseling and in less than 30 days, he changed his appearance, his clothing, his shoes, hair and his scent-as he began wearing cologne, which he'd refused for two decades. Then...he began going out every night without me for dinner, which was a great shocker to me because I had to beg and pull him screaming just to go out once or twice a week for date nights during our union....

... During all of this I'm pleading to Keith for answers that never came, so I cry alone every night, my will to write eroded...but I forced myself to go to the gym, play tennis, all the while, now eating dinner alone, my heart completely and utterly broken. And the drawback to independent writing is that it's such a solitary occupation, so one may easily become a hermit, needing only words for basic fulfillment. So when my husband deserted me, I looked around, and I didn't have any friends or family to call on for emotional support...and little did I know, the painful circumstances at home would soon SOAR to even greater heights! But I was so broken by my emotional pain that I'd already ignored the onset of the first literal piercing pangs I'd begun feeling in my heart..."

"Primary indications that King may require an operation include findings such as Symptomatic Aortic Insufficiency that entails an aortic heart valve that fails to open and close efficiently or an Aortic Stenosis, which is a narrowed aortic heart valve," according to reports by Medical and Surgical Management.

"I never imagined that the man I'd loved and respected for 23 years could soon transform into the heartless, selfish cad I'd soon have the displeasure of knowing," King says, gazing ahead, her eyes weary, her voice deep and reflective. "Because Keith's outings every night progressed into staying out until 1 am, then until 4 am to not coming home at all and that's when the literal pain in my heart became unbearable..."

"Procedures aimed to right the Author's ailing heart may include an Aortorraphy," says Timothy Allen Farwell, MD, General Cardiology, Cardiology Group. "An aortorraphy entails making repairs that may rectify an aneurysm by inserting a graft. Other procedures include an Aortocoronary bypass, also know as a coronary bypass, whereby grafts from the saphenous vein in the leg are placed from the aorta to a point on the coronary artery beyond an obstruction," the cardiologist explains. "Or a surgical procedure in which a graft is inserted between the abdominal aorta and the femoral arteries in the thigh, performed to improve blood circulation to the legs called an Aortofemoral bypass." 

"I never imagined the sadness over my doomed marriage could land me here, in the hospital, my heart literally, physical broken," King says, signaling she's tired and wants the interview to end. "With God's grace, the doctors will mend my physical heart ache...but healing my emotional heartbreak may take more time, as I thought we were happily married."  

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Follow Hagin King TV on CNN/iReport

                   Hagin KingTV Reporting on CNN! Bom-diggy-d!

                   iwriter Hagin King iReporting on CNN!

Follow the author, writer, poet & biographer in adding iReporter to her resume, joining CNN's team of iReporters at http://ireport.cnn.com/people/HaginKingTV

At Last! Novelist Hagin King in Audio Book Talks!

                            Discover Writer Hagin King on Audio Books

Author Hagin King has penned two fiction novels, "The Brat Pact Nefarious" and "The Crowne Affaire;" five books of poetry entitled, "The Real Life Poem Series" and a seven part Motivational that includes an audio book, a CD and a DVD. On sale now! barnesandnoble/c/hagin-king; amazon.com/Hagin-King/e/BOO2JTS5Y8


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Writer Hagin King seeks comfort from Panic @ Multimedia Talks


            King aims to Practice what she Preaches about... Fear!

    Author Hagin King's efforts to breath life into her Faith Based project, "I'm Published" The Beginning Writers Starter Series, has the author feeling nerves.  "My vision is vast, I feel so alone," says the TV Journalist, whose multi part Self Help endeavor includes a thought provoking Handbook, a corresponding Workbook, an instructional DVD and CD, an Audio Book, a Seminar, individual Writer's Consultations and local, inspiring TV Shorts, "I feel I've been Called to provide this Motivational resource to help anyone I can," says former Print News Reporter King, who focuses on the Emotional Aspects of  New Writers putting their work out into the Universe.  Writer Hagin King's 8-part Writers Series

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Writer Hagin King's enchanting evening at Miami's Conrad Hotel

King Stumbles upon the Grandeur of Conrad Miami

...Love, Love, Love, Paris, Frances' Eiffel Tower Hilton Hotel or Manhattan's Millennium Hotel, both destinations are definitely my favs! But... after spending an unfulfilled Opening Evening at Marlins Ballpark cheering on the doomed Miami Marlins( read an upcoming account) the Closing Day Fireworks Display( 30 sec. showcased below) stole the show...

 or so I thought... until my beloved partner in crime, my husband, Keith, whisked me up to the 25 floor of the Conrad Hotel in Miami where we just made Last Call, in the nick of time for my sweetheart to plop down $25 for (1) Manhattan Cocktail! The same cocktail was only $16.50 @ Manhattan's famed Plaza Hotel!
Conrad Miami  
iWriterHaginKingTV Palm Beach: Hotel Conrad Miami
Hagin King has penned 2 Novels & 5 books of Poetry On Sale Now: Barnes&Noble